Thursday, January 19, 2012

My cat's tooth... by Kurumi

 Kan-chan is a cat which I have. Some days ago, his tooth fell out.

 It's bigger than I expected!
 Kan-chan looked like hard to eat before it fell. So, all the members of my family were worried about him. We tried to pull out his loose tooth, but Kan-chan refused to open his mouth. Not only that, he got angry when someone just tried to touch his mouth! We didn't know what to do.
 Then, the tooth fell out of itself. I was relieved when kan-chan ate his fill. Kan-chan has lived with my family for 10 years. So, he is about 10 years old. I have to take care of him heedfully.

↑ Kan-chan is looking his tooth with great interest(*^_^*) Does he feel refreshed for falling out his tooth?


  1. My cat is about 15 years old. She has been pawing at her mouth after eating at times. I recently found 2 of her teeth that look exactly like Kan-chan's teeth. Is or was Kan-chan in pain?? My cat, Dagney, is extremely difficult to take to the vet as well as will not allow me to check her mouth myself. The times she's been to the vet even they were unable to examine her. I'm worried she's in pain. Any information you can share with me about your experience would be greatly appreciated. Please respond. I feel so bad for her. I have 3 dogs and initially thought the first tooth I found was one of the dogs nails I thought had broken off due to the lack of seeing a tooth root. I JUST found the 2nd one and immediately realized it's my cat's tooth. I then came to find pictures to be 100% certain and found your post. I really need to know if she's in pain. It's almost 10pm here and I don't want to put her through the stress of taking her to the emergency vet if it's more likely she's not in pain. Please help.

  2. The exact same thing has happened to my Theo! ... I'm very worried what this means. I have booked a vet appointment and hope it's not too serious!
