Monday, October 3, 2011

Birthday Present for My Friend by Misato

I made this cake with my friend who went to the same junior high school.

 First we made the sponge, after spread fresh cream on this sponge.Do you think It's look so delicious?
At the last, we decorated this cake. Do you think It's look so delicious? I thought the taste of this cake was very good.

I don’t cook usually, so I’m not able to make this cake very well so that next time, I want to make a cake well.


  1. looks yummy! I want to eat it. by Takumi

  2. Looks yummy!! I can't make cake well. Why did you make cake? If your hobby is cooking, I want to eat the dishes what you make. by Arisa

  3. Looks yummy!!! please tell me how to make it. by Shohei
