Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Birthday and Shukutoku Festival by Arisa

 My birthday is august 21st But  2 months later, October 21st, I was given big surprise and an album by my university friends. A lot of pictures paste and  birthday messages from my friends put on the albums. I was very very surprised.  I didn't know that they make it.  The pictures had taken since last year. Every pictures is filled with happy memories. Every messages are so moving. I feel so happy because I became friends with them. What a wonderful day!!
This is the wonderful my birthday album.

Shukutoku Festival was held on  October 22 and 23.
My seminar  sold cookies. The cookies were very popular so sold out soon.  It was unexpected and we were surprised. Then, my friends held on an open-air concert. He sang songs and played the guitar. The day was sunny, we felt comfortable. I sang The Blue Hearts' song, "Aozora"(a blue sky) with them. To tell the truth, I'm not good at sing a song but I sang pleasantly the song.
 After that, I met graduates. They work in a elementary school now. I talk with them and spent a wonderful time. I had enjoyable days.
We sang songs.


  1. Happy birthday Arisa! I will give you birthday present.
    by Takumi

  2. Oh! I'm sorry! I don't know you birthday. Happy birthday Arisa and you spend wounderful time, aren't you? I guess you have many kindly friends. by Misato
